Location: A true blue Aussie, living in Switzerland

Sunday, January 21

Mt first Day

I met my family at the airport and the first thing I saw of them was a huge sigh with "Angela Cameron-Tucker" on it. I then gave everyone a hug. My host father Romeo, my host mother Michele, the twins who are 17 (olivia and Benjamin). We then headed off to the carpark. We hopped into a lift and I was just so shocked to see that there was level for the carpark but 7! We hopped into the car and I had forgotten that the steering wheel is on the other side and it just looked so strange. We started to drive and music came on the radio.The song started and I was totally shocked to hear that the song was in English and not German. We started to drive and we went through a huge tunnel for about 1km. My family must thought I was mad as I was so excited to be going through a tunnel this long. We suddenly left the tunnel and where in what looked like country side. The houses where just so amazing and diff rent. They looked like story book houses or the country houses off "midsummer murders". Just as suddenly as we had entered the country we Left in and there where huge buildings again. Then the next minute country. The houses seemed all jumbled together and i could not work out what was missing. Then suddenly i realized.... they had no fences. I kept seeing like mini little ovals and could not work out what they were as they were just jumbled in with the houses. I asked my family and they said that it was crops. It seemed so odd to just have a crop field in the middle of a town. we kept driving throughout his change of sudden city to country for 1 hour. To me it seemed like there was an hours change in scenery every minute. It was like the scenery was on fast forward. I then arrived in my town. It is so very Swiss there is a huge hill up the back, the alps off in the distance and a jumble of houses every where. There is the odd oval sized crop, or a swimming pool sized fish farm. The houses are all int he Swiss style, yet some are about 5oo years old and then next to it is one that is brand new. There are cows and horses, and all the children seem to be riding bikes.

We drove up to my house that was very Swiss looking and then went inside. My room is on the bottom floor and there was a sign that said "Welcome Angela" on the door.
I went into my bedroom and it was just lovely. It is a big room with a bed a desk a piano and cupboards. I then had a tour of the house and it is really rather modern inside. They have amazing art work everywhere. Olivia has drawn some pictures that are just the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. My family have said that they will talk to me in English for the first 2 days and as of Monday it is all German. Having some english was comforting as it made understanding the house rules and where things go so much easier.

We then had lunch, went for a walk around the town. I was shown were the shop is, the train station and the post office.

Once home again I decided that I would go and get out the gifts I had brought for my family. I went to my room and the burst into tears. It was so sudden and at at moment all I wanted to do was go home. I felt as if I could never live here for a year and that I would never be able to learn German. I missed my family and friends so much and just wanted to go back and be with them. I hoped onto my bed with chippy(my teddy) and had a cry. Suddenly I woke up and realized that i had fallen asleep. I looked at thh time and it was 6:30 in the morning. I had been asleep since 2pm.

Today I have had breakfast. We had this amazing homemade bread. I sat at breakfast eating this bread and writing down all of the new German words I learnt yesterday and was learning today. I am feeling much better today and a lot less homesick. I still miss my family heaps but I think this year will be awsome.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well Angela, It seems that you have had a great welcome and it is nice that the family are so kind. I miss you you so much. I had my first game of golf today that counts for my handicap. Did OK. You would have been impressed. Skipper is a real character and keeping everyone on their toes. Rained today and the drought is broken. Be yourself. Will send an email from work. Love you heaps. Dad

January 21, 2007 10:16 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ANGELA. you don't email me, you don't CONTACT ME! i'm hurt!! and now u're in swiss, AHHH.. 1 year w/o you.


ange, im oready missing you.
chris xx

January 22, 2007 7:15 am  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I miss you too angela. you better feel special because dad left the tv room where we were watching victorias not me, a model/ ctawalk thing with really beautiful "striking" women to check your yodel from switzerland! who's Chris?? hmphh i'm hungry,
love you bye

January 22, 2007 9:09 am  

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