I have now finished what has been a very full on 3 week language course. I have learnt so much and have met some really nice people along the way. I can now introduce myself, use most of the verbs correctly (by conjugating them), I can talk in past and present tense, order things in a Cafe, use the right gender for most objects etc and have small conversations.
The course was really good, however a little full on at times. We had our HUGE test yesterday. I wont say that it was easy as it was anything but....however I managed to complete it (well most of it anyway) and what I could not do, no one else could do either. I will get my results on Monday, so fingers crossed. Monday technically is my last lesson however we get our results back and then we go ice skating in an outside ice skating rink. I am so excited
After the test on Friday a group of us from the Deutschkurs (Language School) went bowling. We left school and then and went and had a highly nutritious dinner at MacDonald's. Now while I am on this subject of MacDonald's I will just let you know how expensive food is here. One Medium MacDonald's meal cost you $12.80, and this is in Swiss CHF by the way,how expensive is that for really not all that much!
So we had our expensive meal and then went off to bowling. I must say my enthusiasm compensated for my talent as I got a strike. Now for most people this is no achievement, but if you have ever seen my hand eye coordination skill you will know that this is a miracle. How ever this miracle did not last long as my usual self came out and I had 6 gutter balls in a row.

We then went back o the train station. Ont he way back we saw these massive big lights. i thought they were so cool and so myself and Lindsay (one of the Aussies in my Deutschkurs) posed of photos in front of the lights. This looks awesome...well i think it does as you can mostly only see our shadows.

The course was really good, however a little full on at times. We had our HUGE test yesterday. I wont say that it was easy as it was anything but....however I managed to complete it (well most of it anyway) and what I could not do, no one else could do either. I will get my results on Monday, so fingers crossed. Monday technically is my last lesson however we get our results back and then we go ice skating in an outside ice skating rink. I am so excited
After the test on Friday a group of us from the Deutschkurs (Language School) went bowling. We left school and then and went and had a highly nutritious dinner at MacDonald's. Now while I am on this subject of MacDonald's I will just let you know how expensive food is here. One Medium MacDonald's meal cost you $12.80, and this is in Swiss CHF by the way,how expensive is that for really not all that much!
So we had our expensive meal and then went off to bowling. I must say my enthusiasm compensated for my talent as I got a strike. Now for most people this is no achievement, but if you have ever seen my hand eye coordination skill you will know that this is a miracle. How ever this miracle did not last long as my usual self came out and I had 6 gutter balls in a row.
We then went back o the train station. Ont he way back we saw these massive big lights. i thought they were so cool and so myself and Lindsay (one of the Aussies in my Deutschkurs) posed of photos in front of the lights. This looks awesome...well i think it does as you can mostly only see our shadows.
bahahahahahhahh you look like pole dancers in the photos lol. I cant believe you got a strike and didn't lose!!!!! that is amazing!!!! have fun
love vee
You still have not t old me what 'Congratulations' is in German!!!
it looks so awesome...... the photos i mean infront of the light............ that is so cool that you got strike...... have fun at the whole massive festival
thing that goes ofr ages...
from oj
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