England Day 2
I awoke at 8am on the second day of our stay. Cordeleia came into the room to see her guests and ended up sitting on my bed having a chat, just like my sisters and I used to when we had guests. We all got dressed and then went down stairs for our breakfast.
After breakfast we all piled into the car and off we drove to Hampton Court our destination for the day. King Henry the 8th was the most famous owner of Hampton Court, as he did make a name of himself by having 6 wives, and he was Hampton Courts first Royal owner.
We took a scenic route to Hampton Curt and arrived at the entrance. The Gates to Hampton court where my first view of an entrance to a Royal Palace.

We bought our tickets and then headed off to explore the castle. The walk to the castle gave one an amazing view of the front of this massive building.

On the way we passed a real English lap post. It was so funny to see a Lamp post like this as I have only ever seen them in Mary Poppins, when the Old ladies are holding on to them so they don’t get blown away in the wind, it is so strange to think all of these things actually exist in real life.

Once inside the castle, after crossing the now grass moat, we received our audio head set tour guides. These guides where fabulous as we where able to walk around the caste at our own pace and listen to the History of each room.
The first place we visited was the Tudor Kitchens. These Kitchens fed around 8hundred People in King Henry’s , with the most elaborate and expensive dishes that money could buy. To feed so many people the kitchens where a fully run business operation. With clerks to account for the amount of food eaten, huge fridges (well passage ways that were kept cool) to store the meant, huge ovens and spits to cook the royal meets and heaps of pots bubbling away with special treats.

Now this wouldn’t have been a royal meal if it was not accompanied by wine…and to have enough wine to quench he thirst of 800people you have to have one big wine cellar. This wine cellar was the biggest I have ever seen; however back in King Henry’s time wine for 800people came in barrels not bottles.

Next we went to explore King Henry's dwellings. Sadly I could not take any photos of in here, so you will just have to imagine a room with tapestries hanging from the walls dating back to the17 hundreds., paintings looking at you with stern eyes, and rooms filled with Deer horns.
After visiting the Kitchen and Henry’s rooms we had worked up a bit of hunger our selves. So it was off to the car to collect our Pick nick, and then off in to the back garden to eat it.

After our feast fit for a king we went back in to the place to go and see the dwellings of another King who had lived in Hampton Court, King William the 3rd . After seeing fabulous rooms fit for a king, we went to the next monarchs dwelling at Hampton court King George the 2nd.
The rooms in Hampton Court where not allowed to be photographed but as in any royal building it pays to look up. The ceiling can be a piece or art in itself.

The fountains can also be amazing and I thought at Fountain court deserved a picture.

The chimneys also need a mention as ever single chimney was different, and let me tell you in a place this big there were eat least 200 chimneys all different and all hand made.

Once we finished looking around the palace we went and took some photos of the girls dressed up in period clothes who give tours in the place.

Once we left the place the tour was far form over, we still had to looked at the Gardens.
These gardens were the most beautiful I have ever seen.

my favourite was the purple looking garden, and the shaded walking path so that the queens didn’t get to hot from the sun.

I also saw the Guinness world records longest grape vine.

After Visiting the Place we all hopped back in the car and went to see Olivia D-T is Boarding school and to drop off some things she had forgotten to take with her when she went back to school.
As we drove to Olivia’s school we saw Windsor castle just sitting there in the distance…so I had to take a photo.

When we drove into Olivia d-T’s school O could tell it was something special. And I was right, this school was the most beautiful school I have ever seen, the grounds were pristine, the building was and Old Monastery and as such had the most wonderful little windows you have ever seen.

We Visited Olivia as she finished study and was going to Dinner. Our meeting was brief but it was great to see her again. She even showed us her dormitory quickly, it was a lovely room and it looked like a great school to be at.
We said goodbye to Olivia and went home. That night My God mothers Husband Ted had some Old friends of his come and stay, Stephen and Mary. Ted had met Stephen when he was a young boy in Africa and Stephen was a Priest was travelled around in a carriage that he hooked on to passing trains. They were a lovely couple and a lot of fun and it was great to meet them. After a wonderful dinner Cordelia gave us a Cello recital that was just fabulous and then it was time for bed after a wonderful day.
After breakfast we all piled into the car and off we drove to Hampton Court our destination for the day. King Henry the 8th was the most famous owner of Hampton Court, as he did make a name of himself by having 6 wives, and he was Hampton Courts first Royal owner.
We took a scenic route to Hampton Curt and arrived at the entrance. The Gates to Hampton court where my first view of an entrance to a Royal Palace.

We bought our tickets and then headed off to explore the castle. The walk to the castle gave one an amazing view of the front of this massive building.

On the way we passed a real English lap post. It was so funny to see a Lamp post like this as I have only ever seen them in Mary Poppins, when the Old ladies are holding on to them so they don’t get blown away in the wind, it is so strange to think all of these things actually exist in real life.

Once inside the castle, after crossing the now grass moat, we received our audio head set tour guides. These guides where fabulous as we where able to walk around the caste at our own pace and listen to the History of each room.
The first place we visited was the Tudor Kitchens. These Kitchens fed around 8hundred People in King Henry’s , with the most elaborate and expensive dishes that money could buy. To feed so many people the kitchens where a fully run business operation. With clerks to account for the amount of food eaten, huge fridges (well passage ways that were kept cool) to store the meant, huge ovens and spits to cook the royal meets and heaps of pots bubbling away with special treats.

Now this wouldn’t have been a royal meal if it was not accompanied by wine…and to have enough wine to quench he thirst of 800people you have to have one big wine cellar. This wine cellar was the biggest I have ever seen; however back in King Henry’s time wine for 800people came in barrels not bottles.

Next we went to explore King Henry's dwellings. Sadly I could not take any photos of in here, so you will just have to imagine a room with tapestries hanging from the walls dating back to the17 hundreds., paintings looking at you with stern eyes, and rooms filled with Deer horns.
After visiting the Kitchen and Henry’s rooms we had worked up a bit of hunger our selves. So it was off to the car to collect our Pick nick, and then off in to the back garden to eat it.

After our feast fit for a king we went back in to the place to go and see the dwellings of another King who had lived in Hampton Court, King William the 3rd . After seeing fabulous rooms fit for a king, we went to the next monarchs dwelling at Hampton court King George the 2nd.
The rooms in Hampton Court where not allowed to be photographed but as in any royal building it pays to look up. The ceiling can be a piece or art in itself.

The fountains can also be amazing and I thought at Fountain court deserved a picture.

The chimneys also need a mention as ever single chimney was different, and let me tell you in a place this big there were eat least 200 chimneys all different and all hand made.

Once we finished looking around the palace we went and took some photos of the girls dressed up in period clothes who give tours in the place.

Once we left the place the tour was far form over, we still had to looked at the Gardens.
These gardens were the most beautiful I have ever seen.

my favourite was the purple looking garden, and the shaded walking path so that the queens didn’t get to hot from the sun.

I also saw the Guinness world records longest grape vine.

After Visiting the Place we all hopped back in the car and went to see Olivia D-T is Boarding school and to drop off some things she had forgotten to take with her when she went back to school.
As we drove to Olivia’s school we saw Windsor castle just sitting there in the distance…so I had to take a photo.

When we drove into Olivia d-T’s school O could tell it was something special. And I was right, this school was the most beautiful school I have ever seen, the grounds were pristine, the building was and Old Monastery and as such had the most wonderful little windows you have ever seen.

We Visited Olivia as she finished study and was going to Dinner. Our meeting was brief but it was great to see her again. She even showed us her dormitory quickly, it was a lovely room and it looked like a great school to be at.
We said goodbye to Olivia and went home. That night My God mothers Husband Ted had some Old friends of his come and stay, Stephen and Mary. Ted had met Stephen when he was a young boy in Africa and Stephen was a Priest was travelled around in a carriage that he hooked on to passing trains. They were a lovely couple and a lot of fun and it was great to meet them. After a wonderful dinner Cordelia gave us a Cello recital that was just fabulous and then it was time for bed after a wonderful day.
It does indeed pay to look up, Angela. The artwork in your photos is beautiful.
Did you give the cello a try as well????
Your Dad and I had planned to go to Hampton Court via river boat, but foul weather got in the way, so we never did get there. I have now enjoyed a visit through your eyes!!! THank-you.
Love Mum xxx
Not as good as my wine cellar.
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