Location: A true blue Aussie, living in Switzerland

Saturday, April 7


Today my host family(Minus Olivia), another family(Two parents with their two sons,18 and 22) and I went for a bush walk in the Jurua region of Switzerland...right on the boarder of France.

The brown part is Switzerland and the white france.

This walk was 4 hours long so as you can imagine I have alot of photos to share with you.

First we walked form the car park into the forest. This forest was so different to the ones I am used to in Australia. It really took me a while to get used to the lack of Man ferns and gum trees. Actually there really was hardly any other tree then pine trees.

The Wilde life was also different but so amazing. I saw a squirrel for the first time....or as it is in German `Eichhörnchen` which directly translated means acorn-ears-smallanimal.

We kept on walking through the Forest until we came to a water fall. This waterfall was so beautiful and it was spraying up into the air in such a way that with the sun shine going into it it created a rainbow. However sadly this didn't show in the photo.

Next we walked along the side of the lake/river. We stopped at a small little village and had a coffee. In this restaurant was the cutest little Swiss house model....of the hotel itself.

We then crossed a small bridge. here the water going under the bridge made really beautiful I decided it to deserved a photo.

We then walked and walked until we came to the first view point. Here the view was so beautiful. I always think little villages, green hills, and lakes are just stunning.

We then hiked up a huge hill and my legs at this point really wanted to drop off. Finally we reached the top......and the walk was so worth it as the view was just beautiful. One looked out over the lake and into France.

On the left side is Switzerland and on the Right is France......How exciting is that.

I felt so close to France that i wanted to reach out and touch it...however my good judgment kicked in and i realised that if I reached out to touch it I would fall off the I decided against the idea and just took heaps of photos instead.

We then walked up another slope and arrived at a second restaurant,which was at the top of the mountain. We all sat outside as it was really warm and sunny.

So for my main meal I had fondue shared with my host parents and the adults of the other family. This was so yummy...I love cheese so having a melted meal of it for me is just heaven.

Now the amazing thing about this restaurants menu was it's 345 desert options.....and when one has 345 deserts one has the biggest dessert menu in the world.....

It took me a while but finally I chose what I would have off this amazing menu.
So what did I chose...well seeing as today was good Friday and the Swiss don't have hot cross buns ....I had a Swiss cross ice cream instead....I thought it was a good enough replacement .....and boy was it tasty.

After our meals we struggled to stand up so we could walk the hour we had left to get back to the cars.

The walk back was so steep and the paths were so thin that literally we where walking on cliff edges. I had to take photos of this ....when I could as my Hands were usually clinging to the side of the Cliff and not free to use a camera.

Every time we came to a bit of cliff I could here my mum or Dad form Australia saying `Angela, be careful, Angela stay still.....Angela...OH gosh Angela'. So I was careful and I was still...and I am alive.

We then came to a bridge

However don't worry mum we didn't Cross this we figured stepping on it might make the whole this plummet hundreds of meters into the instead we bush-bashed, on the cliff side, and got to the other side with out setting a foot onto the bridge.

We then arrived at the final view point...a big view over the lake and one of the many sides of France. (on the left)

we then walked through a few fields...

After 4 hours of walking and 1 of eating....we then arrived back at the cars.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Angela! What a relief to know that you did NOT fall off the bridge.....I have memories of you on the Gordon River walk, and at Cradle Mt. The Swiss Cross icecream does indeed look excellent replacement for a hot cross bun. The litle village, water and mountains could be somewhere in the Derwent Valley!
Continue to enjoy!! Love Mum xxx

April 07, 2007 2:08 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

omg! i cant believe that you could see france that close like eastlands and hobart!! wow!!! the photos are really cool! if you have one you really like i may be able to produce it for you in photography. if you would like. omg i got an a on the science test!! well see you later
lo0ve vee

April 07, 2007 2:47 pm  

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