The making of Swiss eater eggs
The Swiss at Easter don't only have wonderful chocolate bunnies and eggs.....they also have painted blown or boiled eggs at Easter.
The other day my host mum, her friend and I made decorated boiled eggs for us to eat on Easter day.
How did we make these eggs I hear you ask.....well here is the step by step instructions on how to make these Swiss treats.
What you will need.
Leaves: Go out into the garden and collect as many different leaves as you can find.
wash them and then put them in a bowl on the table.
Stockings: Go find all of your old stockings and does not matter if they have holes in them or not.....but make sure you wash them first before you use them in any egg making process.
String: any type will do
Eggs: all kinds as long as they are fresh.
Egg white: Crack open one of your eggs and get out the egg white and put it in a bowl on the table.
onion: Cook and onion until it is all browned...then add some water to it. Make sure the pan or pot you use is deep enough so that when you add the water it covers the eggs.
Once you have all of this your table should look something like below.

How to make your eggs:
select an egg.
Then rummage around in the leave until you find one you like.
Paint you egg with the egg whites (this acts as a glue).
Place your leaf on your egg, then take a stocking and cut off a piece that looks like it will cover your egg.
cover the egg ,then tie it off with some string.
cut off any excess stocking so that the egg looks like this

Now all you have to do is place the egg in the pan/pot of boiling water and onion.

let it cook for about 5 minutes.
take out the egg and run it under cold water.
remove the stocking and leaf and you are left with the beautiful final product.

you can also do this with food dies so that your eggs are colours other than brown. (however the Swiss feel that the onion is the best as it is all natural)
What my host mum also likes to do is just cook a plain egg in the onion and then scratch out a picture or a name. For Eater she has made an egg for each member of the family.

You can also do this process with blown eggs.
The blown eggs look lovely hanging from a tree like they are in my host mothers house.

Talking about blown eggs...I decided that seeing as I was in Switzerland I was going to invest in a beautiful blown egg. So off I went Today to Bern and bought 2 blown eggs.
They were a bit expensive but I decided that they were so beautiful and I would never get them in Australia

The Swiss one is so cute and reminds me of the story book Heidi.
I saw it and knew I had to get it as it was totally Swiss.
The Blue bird one reminds me of my Mum and her love for blue willow pattern.
The other day my host mum, her friend and I made decorated boiled eggs for us to eat on Easter day.
How did we make these eggs I hear you ask.....well here is the step by step instructions on how to make these Swiss treats.
What you will need.
Leaves: Go out into the garden and collect as many different leaves as you can find.
wash them and then put them in a bowl on the table.
Stockings: Go find all of your old stockings and does not matter if they have holes in them or not.....but make sure you wash them first before you use them in any egg making process.
String: any type will do
Eggs: all kinds as long as they are fresh.
Egg white: Crack open one of your eggs and get out the egg white and put it in a bowl on the table.
onion: Cook and onion until it is all browned...then add some water to it. Make sure the pan or pot you use is deep enough so that when you add the water it covers the eggs.
Once you have all of this your table should look something like below.
How to make your eggs:
select an egg.
Then rummage around in the leave until you find one you like.
Paint you egg with the egg whites (this acts as a glue).
Place your leaf on your egg, then take a stocking and cut off a piece that looks like it will cover your egg.
cover the egg ,then tie it off with some string.
cut off any excess stocking so that the egg looks like this
Now all you have to do is place the egg in the pan/pot of boiling water and onion.
let it cook for about 5 minutes.
take out the egg and run it under cold water.
remove the stocking and leaf and you are left with the beautiful final product.
you can also do this with food dies so that your eggs are colours other than brown. (however the Swiss feel that the onion is the best as it is all natural)
What my host mum also likes to do is just cook a plain egg in the onion and then scratch out a picture or a name. For Eater she has made an egg for each member of the family.
You can also do this process with blown eggs.
The blown eggs look lovely hanging from a tree like they are in my host mothers house.
Talking about blown eggs...I decided that seeing as I was in Switzerland I was going to invest in a beautiful blown egg. So off I went Today to Bern and bought 2 blown eggs.
They were a bit expensive but I decided that they were so beautiful and I would never get them in Australia
The Swiss one is so cute and reminds me of the story book Heidi.
I saw it and knew I had to get it as it was totally Swiss.
The Blue bird one reminds me of my Mum and her love for blue willow pattern.
hey angee....
they look so oooo awesome... i wouldn't want to eat mine..... or are they blown.... still they look awesome.... i like the one that looks like a scene from heidi,..... welll HAPPY EASTER.....
love OLIVIA THe great
Happy Easter Angela!!! The eggs look fantastic! I also would not want to eat mine! We will have to make some next year. The blown eggs you have bought look so pretty , and you are right....I love the blue and white one!!!
Love Mum xxxx
Hi Angela hope you had a great Easter .The photos look great .Its all so pretty.The hand blown eggs look pretty too
Have fun love Aunty Joy
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