cows,cheese,goats...has got to be the Switzerland BEA
On Wednesday I went to the Switzerland BEA in Bern. The BEA is a event that is a cross between the Hobart Show and Agfest; so lots of rides but more animals, free taste tests and events.
I went by train to Berna and then caught the number 9 tram as my host mum had instructed.
So I hopped on the number 9 tram and off I went, and went and went and went......and i seemed to be going around streets I had never seen and the tram was taking me out of the city. As we were driving along I saw another number 9 tram going the opposite direction...i then realised i had hopped on the tram on the wrong side of the road. But instead of panicking i stayed on the tram and waited until it turned around and went back the other way. so it just took me an 45 minutes to get to the BEA rather than 15.
Once i arrived at the BEA I bought my ticket and went inside. I just wandered around looking at all of the stall and in all of the display halls.
The first hall I went into was the food hall, here I saw displays of farming life and apples. The apples looked so awesome as they were displayed in such a creative way.

The next hall I wen tot was the animal hall. Here I saw cows, and pigs and goats, dancing dogs,special Swiss Alp rescue dogs, and horses; real ones and carvings

I also saw so many saddles for sale it was amazing.
The next 2 halls I went to were companies advertising their products. I had such fun in these stalls tasting all of the cheeses, drinks, looking at all the machines and eating more cheese.
I even tried my hand at a new game that connects to your TV, it was a quiz. This quiz was in I had little hope of going well........or so I thought. Being a smart player I kept my ears and brain open. I could answer some questions by myself such as 'what was Queen Victoria's mother Language'...A) English, B)German, C) Spanish D) Dutch
and the correct answer B) German.
the other questions I guessed, or heard people tell each the end I ended up coming second..not bad for a non German speaker...I received chips and a really good drink for my efforts (so there was lunch).
After walking around the BEA and looking at more animals and attractions I started to get weary so went home after my Swiss farm day
What an interesting fun day you have had!!! I remember being absolutely fascinated with the friut 'pictures' at the 'EKKA' (Brisbane's Exhibition) when I would visit as a little girl from the bush. I have not thought about that in ages!!!!
Love Mum xxxx
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