In my first few days of being with my new host family I was invited to go with them to the Wedding of my Host Mother's brother Felix to his fiance Romi.
We arrived at the church and received a love heart badge with our name on it. This meant that we were special guests and were invited to the reception dinner that would take place the evening.

My host sister Eliane played the key board and sang a song in the church. This was so lovely she has a lovely voice. The wedding ceremony was also very nice, even thought I did not understand it all as it was naturally in German.

After the Ceremony 4 small boys who were dressed up in little I was so excited about this as I have never in my life been to a wedding before.
back suits with ladders on them lead the procession out of the church….this was because they were the luck bringers. As part of their role as luck bringers they carried ladders and had 4 leaf clovers sewn on their tops.
I took a photo of the luck bringers and just after the photo was taken they showed that they were true little boys as they started to hit each other with their ladders.

There were also 2 little girls who were like flower girls and were throwing petals all over the ground and each other.

A group of people were ringing cow bells and then the group photos were taken in front of the church.

After the church ceremony we all piled into our cars and drove down the road to the ‘Post wedding lunch’. This lunch was so Swiss it was amazing. The house that the lunch was at was just beautiful and really was a lovely back drop for the lunch.

We had a lunch of breads and cheeses and meat. The waitresses were all dressed in traditional Swiss dress and look fabulous.

Then strange things all started to happen and I really had no idea what was going on.
Goats had appeared and the groom was milking them,

Horses were trotting around and then we were all given orange paper and had to write down gift for the bride and groom. Then paper was then tied onto a helium balloon.

The reason for this was that the balloons then go off into the sky ,and if they get found by someone when they land then, the orange paper is sent to the bride and groom and then they receive the gift that is on the paper.
While the tradition was very new to me the effect of the balloons going up into the sky was wonderful.

The bride and groom then hopped into a horse drawn carriage and were driven of to the dinner reception that was attended only by those with the name tag love hearts.

The reception dinner was lovely as everyone was so happy and were really enjoying themselves.
I was sitting in between my host brother and sister, and opposite my host parents.

After being served dinner events started to become really very different to anything I have ever seen. We had people being cook-coo clocks and screaming out cickery keey every hour, we had kids doing good luck presentations dressed up in costumes

We had random people walking in all dressed up and doing rhymes

And then the dancing started………….The bride and groom did a bridal waltz with an umbrella while guests covered them with streamers

We had a conga that trailed through the whole of the hotel

The bride and groom danced together then the music stopped and each had to get a new partner, they danced with this partner then they both had to go and get a new partner when the music stopped, and so on. (This resulted in everyone dancing.)
I was asked to dance by the groom; I thought it was very nice of them involving me in their special day. It was also a mile stone in my life as I have never danced with a Groom before.

The next dance was the most eventful of all. Couples were given a balloon and they had do dance with this balloon between them and their partner with out the balloon popping or falling on the floor.

This was very funny to watch.
After more dancing and talking the reception as drawing to an end. The cake was cut and gifts were given

It was then time to go home at 2am after a wonderful event.
We arrived at the church and received a love heart badge with our name on it. This meant that we were special guests and were invited to the reception dinner that would take place the evening.

My host sister Eliane played the key board and sang a song in the church. This was so lovely she has a lovely voice. The wedding ceremony was also very nice, even thought I did not understand it all as it was naturally in German.

After the Ceremony 4 small boys who were dressed up in little I was so excited about this as I have never in my life been to a wedding before.
back suits with ladders on them lead the procession out of the church….this was because they were the luck bringers. As part of their role as luck bringers they carried ladders and had 4 leaf clovers sewn on their tops.
I took a photo of the luck bringers and just after the photo was taken they showed that they were true little boys as they started to hit each other with their ladders.

There were also 2 little girls who were like flower girls and were throwing petals all over the ground and each other.

A group of people were ringing cow bells and then the group photos were taken in front of the church.

After the church ceremony we all piled into our cars and drove down the road to the ‘Post wedding lunch’. This lunch was so Swiss it was amazing. The house that the lunch was at was just beautiful and really was a lovely back drop for the lunch.

We had a lunch of breads and cheeses and meat. The waitresses were all dressed in traditional Swiss dress and look fabulous.

Then strange things all started to happen and I really had no idea what was going on.
Goats had appeared and the groom was milking them,

Horses were trotting around and then we were all given orange paper and had to write down gift for the bride and groom. Then paper was then tied onto a helium balloon.

The reason for this was that the balloons then go off into the sky ,and if they get found by someone when they land then, the orange paper is sent to the bride and groom and then they receive the gift that is on the paper.
While the tradition was very new to me the effect of the balloons going up into the sky was wonderful.

The bride and groom then hopped into a horse drawn carriage and were driven of to the dinner reception that was attended only by those with the name tag love hearts.

The reception dinner was lovely as everyone was so happy and were really enjoying themselves.
I was sitting in between my host brother and sister, and opposite my host parents.

After being served dinner events started to become really very different to anything I have ever seen. We had people being cook-coo clocks and screaming out cickery keey every hour, we had kids doing good luck presentations dressed up in costumes

We had random people walking in all dressed up and doing rhymes

And then the dancing started………….The bride and groom did a bridal waltz with an umbrella while guests covered them with streamers

We had a conga that trailed through the whole of the hotel

The bride and groom danced together then the music stopped and each had to get a new partner, they danced with this partner then they both had to go and get a new partner when the music stopped, and so on. (This resulted in everyone dancing.)
I was asked to dance by the groom; I thought it was very nice of them involving me in their special day. It was also a mile stone in my life as I have never danced with a Groom before.

The next dance was the most eventful of all. Couples were given a balloon and they had do dance with this balloon between them and their partner with out the balloon popping or falling on the floor.

This was very funny to watch.
After more dancing and talking the reception as drawing to an end. The cake was cut and gifts were given

It was then time to go home at 2am after a wonderful event.
What a totally amazing experience, Angela!!!! How lovely of the family to involve you in their very special day!!!!
Love Mum xxx
miss u heaps angie
france looks beautiful,thinking of you always
not long till we get u back :)
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