On Saturday was the summer Rolex weekend. This weekend was for the exchange students who had not gone on the August inbounds Europe tour (so basically it was for the January inbounds. …..which includes me.)
For this weekend I met with Kay-Lea at the Solothurn Train Station and we travelled together to Bern. At Bern we met with Rachel (18,Aus) and some other exchangies and continued on our way to Luzern.
Once at Luzern we met with the other exchange students and Rotex members and then caught a bus to where we were staying. The bus ride was, well let’s say just interesting. I heard my fair share of exchange student only stories, some I think I would have preferred not to hear.

After a lot of noise and talking we arrived at our stop. After lugging our heavy bags up a hill (one of the hills that looks fine but is really a killer) we arrived at our Cable Car. (We were to use this cable car to reach our destination up in a mountain).
Now when I say we come to our cable car…I mean that 1 cable car, 1 cable car that takes maximum 4 people, 1 cable car to take up about 30 people, 1 cable car that took 1 hour to take us all up the mountain.
However the hour of wait of the cable car to get us all up the mountain was o worth it , as the view from the cable car was; a pictures aqua blue lake, tall grey mountains that cut into the dazzling blue sky …..So basically in other words,….To die for.

After singing a bit of’ sound of music’ (as you do) as we walked through the most beautiful lush green hill land scape we arrived out our Chalet.

We then rushed upstairs to claim the best beds (which in the end happened not to be the best as the rooms light was blown in the room).
After exploring the Labyrinth of rooms, and the bomb shelter (all Swiss building used to have to have a bomb shelter, and this one a had like a maze of rooms) . The huge big cement walls, and safe like doors did make one a little anxious of getting locked inside so we didn’t stay down there to long.
It was then Rotex games time. Rotex games are always designed to embarrass and humiliate (in a fun way) the people participating, and entertain those who are watching.
I am always up for bit of a laugh so I joined in the games……….such as having a candle on a spoon in my mouth and then having people pelt water at me trying to un-light the candle…. Shaving a balloon covered in shaving cream s, with a razor and trying not to pop it…you know that kind of thing.

After the games it was time for our BBQ. We cooked sausages on a fire and they tasted so good.

After toasted marshmallows (the good old burnt ones that are all gooey in the middle) the sun started to set. Yet the sun going down did not mean the fun stopped…in fact it inspired more fun. We all walked to the side of the mountain to watched the sun set,
And one says pictures paint a thousand words so………………

Just amazing,I really felt like I was in the lion king with the huge big sunset.
If the only thing I ever get out of this year is seeing this sun set it would have all be worth it. I really am now the strongest believer of the best things in life are free, and this sun set was no exception.
After the sun was totally gone it was back to the Chalet.

Here people were telling us all about the armed status of Switzerland…..and let me tell you it is well and truly armed.
One exchange students host dad showed him Villa’s were the whole front folds down (just like in James bond) and a huge big gun thing is inside. We were then told about how some of the mountains have huge big hospitals and war bunkers hidden inside them, and how with every tunnel that is built in Switzerland the odds are there is a special gap (concealed) at the side wide enough for one military car to drive through. This s really amazed me, but also didn’t surprise me as the Swiss are very obsessed with their military, and the boys still have to join the army for one years national service.
So after our gun chats it was about 12 it and time for lights-out and sleeping time… (ha-ha not likely Rotex, it was more like light-out and talking time.)
I had the nicest talk to Rachel, my Ginger Ninger pal (she also is blessed with red hair)
At about 3am we started to get sleepy and decided sleep was a good option.
The next day we packed up the chalet and had out hour procession down the mountain. I was on of the last to go down this time so had to wait an hour, however this was great photo opportunity time and I even got a photo of some awesome looking bird.

Once at the bottom it was time for few a group photos, (the pointing idea was the south African boys, still don’t know what we were pointing at but never mind, the photo is cool) .

We then piled back in the bus and went to a swimming area on the Luzern Lake. This was just amazing as the lake had a special section with diving boards, and floating platforms and a jetty.
Myself and Kay-Lea showed our true Aussie spirit and headed straight for the water. For me this was my fist time in water since I have been here (so 5 months) ……….and I loved it. However we did get some funny looks as we were in t-shirts and shorts ..and all the rest of the Swiss were in as skimpy bathers as possible Us Aussies still need to protect to this white skin of ours, well the blond and red haired variety especially
After a while some other Aussies came and joined us, so now Rachel, Kay-lea, Danielle, Lauren some Rotex girls (they came later as well) and I were having the best time in the water.
Bering exchange students we like to take every opportunity…so off we went to the 3 level diving structure.
We started with first level (3m ish )., The got the confidence to jump of the 5m ish…..this did take a bit of guts to start with….but once you jumped once it was fine.
Then I don’t know how but we then received confidence to jump of the 7/8m board.
This did take a bit of guts. Danielle jumped first , and I was second.
It was so much fun. So I decided to go up a second time. Lauren was now up there for her first jump, she jumped and smacked her arm on the water on her way down.
So now my confidence was not so high. I said OH I am scared (as I was). Then this man in little red (almost sprayed on) shorts, fake tan and the overly toned muscles grabbed and tried and said don’t ‘ jump with me now’ …with fear of him falling on top of me when we landed in the water…and me being squashed, …..and just because no normal person grabs a girl like he did ….. I got a bit freaked out and ran all the way down all the stairs to the next platform and jumped into the water and swam over to the others who were watching us jump. They asked me what was going on, as to them it was the funniest thigh hearing me let out a bit of a squeal and then run down all the stair and fling myself off into the water.
After our water experiences I went and played in the play ground ( the coolest playground I have ever seen) It had flying foxes you sit on, huge big rope platforms that you can spin and much more (just paradise).
After an ice-cream it was time to go back on the train. I had had a great time and really do love the Rotex weekends.
For this weekend I met with Kay-Lea at the Solothurn Train Station and we travelled together to Bern. At Bern we met with Rachel (18,Aus) and some other exchangies and continued on our way to Luzern.
Once at Luzern we met with the other exchange students and Rotex members and then caught a bus to where we were staying. The bus ride was, well let’s say just interesting. I heard my fair share of exchange student only stories, some I think I would have preferred not to hear.

After a lot of noise and talking we arrived at our stop. After lugging our heavy bags up a hill (one of the hills that looks fine but is really a killer) we arrived at our Cable Car. (We were to use this cable car to reach our destination up in a mountain).
Now when I say we come to our cable car…I mean that 1 cable car, 1 cable car that takes maximum 4 people, 1 cable car to take up about 30 people, 1 cable car that took 1 hour to take us all up the mountain.
However the hour of wait of the cable car to get us all up the mountain was o worth it , as the view from the cable car was; a pictures aqua blue lake, tall grey mountains that cut into the dazzling blue sky …..So basically in other words,….To die for.

After singing a bit of’ sound of music’ (as you do) as we walked through the most beautiful lush green hill land scape we arrived out our Chalet.

We then rushed upstairs to claim the best beds (which in the end happened not to be the best as the rooms light was blown in the room).
After exploring the Labyrinth of rooms, and the bomb shelter (all Swiss building used to have to have a bomb shelter, and this one a had like a maze of rooms) . The huge big cement walls, and safe like doors did make one a little anxious of getting locked inside so we didn’t stay down there to long.
It was then Rotex games time. Rotex games are always designed to embarrass and humiliate (in a fun way) the people participating, and entertain those who are watching.
I am always up for bit of a laugh so I joined in the games……….such as having a candle on a spoon in my mouth and then having people pelt water at me trying to un-light the candle…. Shaving a balloon covered in shaving cream s, with a razor and trying not to pop it…you know that kind of thing.

After the games it was time for our BBQ. We cooked sausages on a fire and they tasted so good.

After toasted marshmallows (the good old burnt ones that are all gooey in the middle) the sun started to set. Yet the sun going down did not mean the fun stopped…in fact it inspired more fun. We all walked to the side of the mountain to watched the sun set,
And one says pictures paint a thousand words so………………

Just amazing,I really felt like I was in the lion king with the huge big sunset.
If the only thing I ever get out of this year is seeing this sun set it would have all be worth it. I really am now the strongest believer of the best things in life are free, and this sun set was no exception.
After the sun was totally gone it was back to the Chalet.

Here people were telling us all about the armed status of Switzerland…..and let me tell you it is well and truly armed.
One exchange students host dad showed him Villa’s were the whole front folds down (just like in James bond) and a huge big gun thing is inside. We were then told about how some of the mountains have huge big hospitals and war bunkers hidden inside them, and how with every tunnel that is built in Switzerland the odds are there is a special gap (concealed) at the side wide enough for one military car to drive through. This s really amazed me, but also didn’t surprise me as the Swiss are very obsessed with their military, and the boys still have to join the army for one years national service.
So after our gun chats it was about 12 it and time for lights-out and sleeping time… (ha-ha not likely Rotex, it was more like light-out and talking time.)
I had the nicest talk to Rachel, my Ginger Ninger pal (she also is blessed with red hair)
At about 3am we started to get sleepy and decided sleep was a good option.
The next day we packed up the chalet and had out hour procession down the mountain. I was on of the last to go down this time so had to wait an hour, however this was great photo opportunity time and I even got a photo of some awesome looking bird.

Once at the bottom it was time for few a group photos, (the pointing idea was the south African boys, still don’t know what we were pointing at but never mind, the photo is cool) .

We then piled back in the bus and went to a swimming area on the Luzern Lake. This was just amazing as the lake had a special section with diving boards, and floating platforms and a jetty.
Myself and Kay-Lea showed our true Aussie spirit and headed straight for the water. For me this was my fist time in water since I have been here (so 5 months) ……….and I loved it. However we did get some funny looks as we were in t-shirts and shorts ..and all the rest of the Swiss were in as skimpy bathers as possible Us Aussies still need to protect to this white skin of ours, well the blond and red haired variety especially
After a while some other Aussies came and joined us, so now Rachel, Kay-lea, Danielle, Lauren some Rotex girls (they came later as well) and I were having the best time in the water.
Bering exchange students we like to take every opportunity…so off we went to the 3 level diving structure.
We started with first level (3m ish )., The got the confidence to jump of the 5m ish…..this did take a bit of guts to start with….but once you jumped once it was fine.
Then I don’t know how but we then received confidence to jump of the 7/8m board.
This did take a bit of guts. Danielle jumped first , and I was second.
It was so much fun. So I decided to go up a second time. Lauren was now up there for her first jump, she jumped and smacked her arm on the water on her way down.
So now my confidence was not so high. I said OH I am scared (as I was). Then this man in little red (almost sprayed on) shorts, fake tan and the overly toned muscles grabbed and tried and said don’t ‘ jump with me now’ …with fear of him falling on top of me when we landed in the water…and me being squashed, …..and just because no normal person grabs a girl like he did ….. I got a bit freaked out and ran all the way down all the stairs to the next platform and jumped into the water and swam over to the others who were watching us jump. They asked me what was going on, as to them it was the funniest thigh hearing me let out a bit of a squeal and then run down all the stair and fling myself off into the water.
After our water experiences I went and played in the play ground ( the coolest playground I have ever seen) It had flying foxes you sit on, huge big rope platforms that you can spin and much more (just paradise).
After an ice-cream it was time to go back on the train. I had had a great time and really do love the Rotex weekends.
Glad to see that you were wearing your Tasmanian Rotary jumper. The phptos are very good and the sunset was wonderful.
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