Location: A true blue Aussie, living in Switzerland

Monday, June 11

Angela and the Chocolate Factory

On Saturday Kay-Lea (the other Australian at my school), two other Rotary exchange students; Danielle (Aus) and Paul (Canada) , and I all decided to go to a ;Free entry ,free samples, Nestle Chocolate factory.

I went to eh train station and caught the train to Bern. I met Kay-Lea on the train as she joined me at her stop and we continued our way.

We arrived in Bern and then walked around the city for a bit waiting for the others to arrive so that we could catch another train and continue on our journey to chocolate.

Danielle arrived and she told us that Paul would meet us at the next stop as he missed his train. We arrived at our next stop, received directions on how to get to the factory and then waited for Paul. He arrived; we caught a bus, then a train and arrived at The Chocolate factory’s Train stop (about 1.5 hours later). Also in-between this whole train bus catching scenario we took a photo of our feet (don’t ask me why) and a photo of us with our little train.

We all bounded up to the factory with one thing on our mind 'Chocolate'.
As we got closer things started to look odd..........the lack of people or one, the lack of noise and the main problem the lack of a chocolate smell.

We arrived at the door to see sign saying

'Open Monday-Friday'. We had travelled all this was and had not thought to see if the factory was even open on a Saturday. …ooooooooooops

We then despondently walked back to the train stop (and were very lucky as there was a train coming in only 4 minutes).

We then took the train back to the larger station. We then decided we better go and buy some lunch. We went to the Coop supermarket and bought a big salad each. We then went and sat in a park and ate our really good salads.

This park had a beautiful view .

After eating and taking photos of the view we went to have a look around this town. We saw a castle in the distance and decided to go and see what it had to offer.

Once at the castle we went and walked around it's gardens. Here there was a really cool playground; a cement maze with slides and tunnels.

After running in the maze we walked past a Huge big fountain that allowed you to be able to walk through it’s middle.

Now what do you get when you combine exchange students, a hot day and a lot of water................... A HUGE big water fight.

I don’t know how it started..............(well actually I do , I will admit it was me.........I flicked the first bit of water ) but that aside what I do know for sure that it ended in all of us being totally soaked, dripping from every part of our body.................and smiling for ear to ear.

It was great fun, it really was, we ran around, fell in the fountain...and in my case out of the fountain as well. Weeven had poses in the fountain and just had so much fun.

We then walked back through the town in our sopping wet clothes to the train station. This was interesting as people really did stare as we were completely drenched ( our clothes, our hair everything) and there was not a river in sight, or any logical explanation as to why 4 kids were walking in the city soaking wet.

We then hopped back on a bus (we were good we sat on a plastic bag so we didn’t get the seats wet) .

We arrived at eh station and then went off in our different directions home, With a lack of chocolate...but a lot of good memories instead. As some wise old person once said ‘ it is not the destination that matters, it is the journey’...and our journey was totally awesome.

So we all said goodbye and went on our way.

However my day did not finish there as I went back to Kay-Lea's host families house for dinner. (This is because Kay-Lea's host sister is our 'God Mother’. or a return exchange student who is there to give us advice and help us at school etc if we need it).

SO Kay-Lea and I went back to her host family’s house. By now we had mostly dried off. By the time we arrived at her house only my hair and the bottom of my jeans were damp.

We went to Kay-lea’s room at first and looked at her photo albums , this was really nice to see her family and friends from back home

We then had dinner. Only Kay Leas host sister (my god mother) and her host sister’s boyfriend were home a (as the parents are away and the brother was at a choir camp thing)

We had home made pizza and fried yummy. It was so good.

Dinner was really nice. After dinner Kay-lea and I just chatted and were just normal girls.

I then went home after a very wonderful and enjoyable day.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, Angela, you will just have to go back again to the chocolate factory. Who could be in the Winter when the waterfall is frozen and ice-skating could eventuate (or bottom-skating!) It sounds as if you all had a hugely enjoyable day!
Love Mum xxxx

June 11, 2007 11:45 am  
Blogger [Kay-Lea] said...

That old wise person is 100% was definatly the journey! =]
love your fellow water fighting, kanti going, lover of vegemite eating, post card buying
friend... Kay-Lea

June 12, 2007 5:48 am  

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