I have experienced so much in the last few weeks that I have had little if anytime to update you all about it.
So here goes.
My last few days with the Meier's was spent; packing up my bags to move families; and in true style With the horses. ( i kissed them good bye)
My last dinner took place after a day in Europe Park with my host Aunt and uncle, their Kids and Elliane. After a miss-hap with the battery , and a leaving on of the car lights all day ......we arrived a little late to dinner with all of my host families.
After eating rachlett...and collecting all of my bags (i had so many bags....i really had collected a huge amount of things over the last few months...my host families all seemed rather shocked at the sheer amount of things i had)
after filling 2 cars with all of my treasures it was off to my new and last host family the Blochs. It was sad to say good bye to the Meier's......I really had such a wonderful time with them and experienced so many wonderful things.
My first few weeks with the Blocks were great....though I seemed to be hardly home as i have such a full schedule, I have been to the we will rock you concert with friends form my class, i have been to Rotex weekends were we have seen how many exchange students we could fit in a phone box...(12 if you were wondering) , I have met Kay-lea's Gran and mum when they came to visit and i have been out once with Luca and his friends...I went to a Spanish concert with my new Host family .....and on top of all that i have been going to normal school and German course...so i have been busy.
However what i have seen of my new host family i have liked. they are just great. My host Mum Wilma is just so much fun and we have good fun singing the 'sound of music songs' at the top of our lungs, my Host dad Marc is just great and i have had many a good chat with him, Luca (18) and Jan (21) are great brothers to have...they are both so nice to me and i love having 2 Big brothers to look out for me (well Luca is technically 2 moths younger than me but he is taller than me so he classifies as a big brother......but don't tell him that.)I also have the most lovely Host Grandparents ever.....they are just the most beautiful people ever.
The last few weeks have been totally amazing with the visit of my parents from Tasmanian. On the Friday the 2nd (i think it was the second) I flew over to England to meet Mum and Dad and stay for the last time with my god mother. This stay was just fabulous...i really enjoyed every minute of it and as usual Elizabeth Ted and the kids were such wonderful hosts.
I Flew back to Switzerland on the Monday and then Mum and dad followed me on the Tuesday. I went and picked them up from the airport With the Rutti's (as mum and dad were staying with them for the week)
As we waited to pick up my parents we saw people with cow bells, signs and music awaiting their family or friends who had been in Australia for 3 years.....the sound of the cow bells and all of their hugs and greetings made me want to see my parents even more, even thought i had seen the just the day before.
Finlay they arrived and then time seemed to whizz by.
It seemed that my parents arrived and then the next thing i knew i was saying good bye at the airport.
however one does say time fly when you are having fun...and that is exactly what we had..a lot of fun.
We even went to FRANCE; GERMANY and SWITZERLAND in the space of 1 minute....and how??? We went with marc to the 3 land pole (situated near Basel).
(2 of my host families, Rutti's and Bloch's)
With the Ruttis we went to Gruyere and saw an amazing castle, a crazy museum and the cheeses factory. Mum and dad spent most of their time sleeping, talking and eating at Ruttis house. Michele cooked such amazing meals and mum and dad ate rachlett for the first time ever. It was so nice of the Rutti's to open up their home to my parents especially as i am no longer staying there.
With the Bloch's we had a totally fabulous Fondue......so good. We went to Basel with Marc and were able to go across the river on a special little boat. Both my Brothers re-arranged their schedules so that they could be home at least one night for dinner with my parents and Wilma was as always a great host.
with the Meire's we had our last dinner at their house. It was just a nice way to end the whole trip. They cooked Alpine macaroni and even though they couldn't speak English as well as some they still made a huge effort and were wonderful hosts.
Mum and Dad even attended a Rotary meeting.....which was good fun as i had all 4 of my dads sitting opposite me across the table.
One Rotarian and his son even let us go that afternoon to see their model train set.....and when i say model train set i should have said model train city..or house as a whole house was full with this perfect miniature world.
Mum and Dad then left Switzerland and it was back to normal life for me.....which means back to school. I miss not having my parents here and when they left i felt completely lost. however i will be seeing them soon as I go home in January.
The last few weeks with out mum and dad have also bee busy. Kay-Lea stayed over the night and met my host family.
I went for a walk in the snow with my host dad and had a great time.
and we also had the birthday party for Jan my oldest host brother. and guess where we had it.....in France!
Yes we just popped over to France to celebrate his birthday ....well it was mainly because his god parents live their ...but still we went to France to the evening.
this was a great dinner and i really enjoyed myself. the food was great and the company even better.
The last few days have not been so great as i have caught a flue....or it caught me....
so i have been off school and sleeping most of the time. my host family have been filling me up with tea and letting me rest and so have all been just lovely.......as usual.