Europe Tour 2
I was in a biggish group and we went around the church and the city center.
Then while we were taking photos we lost most of group and Kay-lea and I ended up once again together. Ellie, me, Kay-Lea
So we set off in search for lunch...and boy we found the best dessert i have had in my whole life .....the photos say it all.
That evening we arrived at our hotel. It was a a sweet hotel situated in the suburbs about half an hours drive from Prague. and the view from the window was just stunning.
Once we arrived we were given our rooms, i was with Nerida, then myself and gemma went for a bit of a jog. It was great to go for a run and i really enjoyed it.
that evening we had dinner at he hotel. The meal was an interesting one , a sort of guess what this is meant to be meal..and it was quite a guess as it tasted like noting and looked like hospital food. However the food didn't dampen our spirits as that evening we had a bit of a party.
Our leaders had bought with them a bottle of wine that they had made in their winery.
we all had a little bit of their wine and then the Brazilian and Argentinians played their music and we all danced and had a great time.
I who am not blessed with the best dancing my sisters will clearly tell you .....attempted to learn a Brazilian was quite an experience and i am sure those watching had just as much fun laughing with me as i did actually trying to learn how to do this dance. Thank you Raymond you are a very patient teacher.
The next day was our big day in Prague.
we went with our bus into the city and were met by our tour guides for the day, 2 old ladies around one who was around 60 years old and her mother who was 87.
Prague was beautiful city.
we saw the guards of the city
A church that was so amazing as it took 2000 years to build....and that was no typing error..2000 years to build. Just amazing
we went around the palace style buildings
we all took photos of us in our first big city for the trip (Kay-Lea and I)
and then it was off to go in to the city center.
we crossed an amazing bridge.....just had these fabulous statues gracing the sides and a wonderful market filling the bridge with the best ever atmosphere.
once closer to the city center we passed a tree made out of metal
and then arrived in the town square with the most amazing clock amazing that the man who built it had his eyes poked out so he couldn't show anyone else how to make it.
we were then free for the rest of the afternoon, until we would be meeting for dinner and then going off to a disco all together.
I went off and explored the city with kyle, Kay-Lea, Rachel and gemma. Rachel, Me, Gemma
(Rachel, Gemma, Me,and kay-Lea)
We had a wonderful time looking through the city and the best move we made was getting lost as then we found amazing shops and stalls that were more for the locals and not for the thousands of tourist that were filling up the city.
we found some good bargains and then headed off to the bridge to look once again at the market there.
after a long but fun afternoon we all met for dinner. This dinner was an improvement on the one the night before however the restaurant had double booked so while we were eating a Salsa lesson was taking place...and so the waitresses were working like machines bringing out course after course before the one had even had a spoonful from the first course.
after getting yelled at by the salsa people we vacated the restaurant and went off to our Disco.
Once at eh disco we all realised it would be an awesome night. this disco is one of the biggest in northern Europe....with 5 levels all with different music themes.
my favourite time at the disco was right at the beginning as here the place was mainly empty so it was mostly just our group all together dancing, and it was so much fun with the lighted floors and the oldies music on the top level.
now most of you wont believe it but this was my first ever time 'clubbing'.....i mean i have been to school socials but i have never been clubbing in my life as in Australia one must be 18.
I had so much fun this night and really did dance the night away.We then went back to the hotel with the train....and you would never guess that one of the stops was called Pavlova (well i thought it was I took a photo as any true Aussie would).
Our second day in Czech was a completely different atmosphere to the day before, as we were off to a concentration camp. Here we had a guided tour of the somber buildings, who's tales were almost to sad to tell. this really was a moving experience......this camp was not used for the Genocide, however allot of atrocities still took place and allot of people still died, from being shot, starvation, hygiene and other horrific causes.
that evening we had dinner in the same restaurant as the night before and also had some free shopping time, where i bought some sunsilk shampoo for the first time in 9months
hallo Angela,
dein Blog ist wirklich sehr schön!! Liebe Grüsse Wilma
Hi Angela
Sara went to that nightclub in Prague.Must be where they take everyone .Saw dad last week which was good to catch up .Wont be long till you see them .Have fun
lots of love aunty joy
Wow!!! I had no ideaprague is so lovley! You have some stunning photos, Angela! I owuld love to have seen you doing Latin dancing...I think you have inherited my 'musicality'!!!!!!
Love Mum xxxx
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