Europe Tour section 1'Germany' (As I had so many new experiences and did so much on Europe tour i have decided to break my blogs up into sections of a readable size)
I arrived at Solothurn at about 6:00am and met Kay-Lea and Ellie and together we caught the train to Zurich to were we were meeting to go off on our Europe adventure .....38 exchange students from 5different bus....4 countries to visit and 2 weeks to do it all in.
Once in Zurich we met outside the Bus Bus and waited to be given numbers, Name stickers, hand in our passports and stow away our luggage.
Here we also met our leaders for the 2 weeks
a super family who were willing to give up 2 weeks of their lives to spend it with us. (a very brave decision)
once on the bus we were off.....sitting in that bus seat I had no idea that i was heading into the best 2 weeks of my life.
Our first stop was a toilet we all stretched out legs...and the Boys played football on the road...not a good idea boys............the rest of us took photos (the first photos of many) and started to look around and get to know all of the new faces.

our second stop was a lunch break at a petrol station that happened to also have a small green park field thing next door. Here the Aussies got our foot balls and started to play (this time in a park and not the road) and I joined in, however this was not much of a advantage for my team as i have inherited my mothers had-eye co-ordination skills and can not catch or throw balls to save myself.
our final destination was Rothenburg.A fairytale like village in Germany. The village was so sweet and what made it amazing by the fact that the whole thing was surrounded by a wall.

Here we stayed in out only youth hostel of the whole trip....however for a youth hostel it was extremely clean.

I then went off with other exchange students, Ellie, Kay-Lea and Kyle.

and explored the village. So we left the hostel and what happens to be right around the corner......nothing other than a band of leader-hosen-wearing-German-speaking-men.

of course we got a photo.

we then continued on....and i have never seen such a perfect looking town.
it was as if the whole thing was not real and people didn't actually live really seemed like it was a set for the movies.

As the afternoon went on Kay-lea and i lost the others so kept on exploring the village ourselves. we bought a special cookie ball that is a speciality of this village....sooo good.

we also looked in all the shops (that were mainly tourist shops)
I took photos with a variety of enlarged objects

and then we bumped in to my old language course group.

So we all took photos of us with this odd horse thing and then kept on exploring

Gemma and Danielle then joined us and we went and took some amazing photos from on top of the city wall.

that evening we went and had a get to know people session. I ended up getting to know everything about Zack , who has 2 brothers, lives in NSW, plays footy, Rugby, Cricket and soccer. Who is a country boy and now lives in Zurich.
this evening was good fun. we all had to introduce our partner and give some odd facts about them. It was a quick and enjoyable way to get to know people.
that night we had free time in the village.
I found myself with a huge group of people so we went singing (kookaburra sits in the old gum tree, etc)and dancing through the streets. it was so much fun.
the night was drawing to an end and it was then time to go back to the hostel.
I arrived at Solothurn at about 6:00am and met Kay-Lea and Ellie and together we caught the train to Zurich to were we were meeting to go off on our Europe adventure .....38 exchange students from 5different bus....4 countries to visit and 2 weeks to do it all in.
Once in Zurich we met outside the Bus Bus and waited to be given numbers, Name stickers, hand in our passports and stow away our luggage.
Here we also met our leaders for the 2 weeks
a super family who were willing to give up 2 weeks of their lives to spend it with us. (a very brave decision)
once on the bus we were off.....sitting in that bus seat I had no idea that i was heading into the best 2 weeks of my life.
Our first stop was a toilet we all stretched out legs...and the Boys played football on the road...not a good idea boys............the rest of us took photos (the first photos of many) and started to look around and get to know all of the new faces.

our second stop was a lunch break at a petrol station that happened to also have a small green park field thing next door. Here the Aussies got our foot balls and started to play (this time in a park and not the road) and I joined in, however this was not much of a advantage for my team as i have inherited my mothers had-eye co-ordination skills and can not catch or throw balls to save myself.
our final destination was Rothenburg.A fairytale like village in Germany. The village was so sweet and what made it amazing by the fact that the whole thing was surrounded by a wall.
Here we stayed in out only youth hostel of the whole trip....however for a youth hostel it was extremely clean.
I then went off with other exchange students, Ellie, Kay-Lea and Kyle.

and explored the village. So we left the hostel and what happens to be right around the corner......nothing other than a band of leader-hosen-wearing-German-speaking-men.
of course we got a photo.

we then continued on....and i have never seen such a perfect looking town.
it was as if the whole thing was not real and people didn't actually live really seemed like it was a set for the movies.
As the afternoon went on Kay-lea and i lost the others so kept on exploring the village ourselves. we bought a special cookie ball that is a speciality of this village....sooo good.
we also looked in all the shops (that were mainly tourist shops)
I took photos with a variety of enlarged objects
and then we bumped in to my old language course group.
So we all took photos of us with this odd horse thing and then kept on exploring
Gemma and Danielle then joined us and we went and took some amazing photos from on top of the city wall.
that evening we went and had a get to know people session. I ended up getting to know everything about Zack , who has 2 brothers, lives in NSW, plays footy, Rugby, Cricket and soccer. Who is a country boy and now lives in Zurich.
this evening was good fun. we all had to introduce our partner and give some odd facts about them. It was a quick and enjoyable way to get to know people.
that night we had free time in the village.
I found myself with a huge group of people so we went singing (kookaburra sits in the old gum tree, etc)and dancing through the streets. it was so much fun.
the night was drawing to an end and it was then time to go back to the hostel.
I cannot believe you actually came across leder hosen (spelling???) wearing men!!!!!! The village looks magical....and why am I not surprised you have photos of food!!!!!!!!
Love Mum xxxx
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