A School trip to France
What does a class in Switzerland do when they have a Special week were they can do what ever they want??? They plan a weeks trip to France that's what they do. My class in Switzerland went busking in the streets, had cake stalls and used all types of money making ideas to organize and pay for a weeks trip to Bordeaux in France.
This trip was so much fun. We took the train down to Geneva (or Genf as it is in German) and then caught an easy jet Flight to Bordeaux. Seeing as we were on a budget we were not staying in the city it's self but in fact in a beach style shacky thing a hours drive out of the city.

So from Bordeaux we caught the train down to our weeks accommodation, a school trips Paradise.....a wonderful massive wooden house equipped with musical instruments,

50 bicycles

a soccer table thing (cant think of the name ...but with the little men on Poles and you move them and kick the ball), and also a Pool Table


clean rooms.....mine was so crazy it had pebbles all over the floor

For me the thing that made this house so wonderful.....was the food....the two men who owed this paradise cooked the best meals ever...if only all school camp style things tasted so good.
So what did we do to amuse our selves over this week? well seeing as our trip was in school time we had to still do a bit of school related activities.....so the music kids did allot of singing with the choir teacher who had accompanied us...and the Latin kids did a bit of translating.....but mainly just had a holiday as there is not much for kids who are learning Latin to do in France. So seeing as the program for the Latin kids was the most fun i decided i may just have to spent time with them for the week. so Witt the Latin teacher and the French teacher the 5 Latin kids and i had allot of fun.
So when the music kids were singing on the first day the Latin group were organising their trip to Bordeaux. (only the Latin and I kids were allowed to go on the trip). After arranging our trip we then went about having a bit of fun with bikes and wagons, that the house provided.

my favourite was the moped....and the tandem bicycles.

That afternoon the whole class had bike trip to the beach. The weather was not all that pleasant so we decided not to take our bathers. we all rode to the beach (it took one and a half hours) once we arrived the weather was good again and we were all warm.

some kids were wearing their bathers so they went swimming...all the rest of us were regretting leaving ours behind. I entertained myself by playing on the rocks...but it was not the same as swimming.

So like a true Australian....after being splashed by a few waves...i decided the lack of bathers was not going to hold me back, so when called by one of the girls in my class to come into the sea with her...i did ...clothes and all.
now this was the most fun i have had in ages...but also a very silly decision because I found myself wet and sandy facing an hours bike ride back to the house. however the problem was eventually solved by my wearing of a boy in my classes board shorts and a jumper.

the next day the Latin group and I were off to Bordeaux.

This was so much fun. We saw all the sites and just had a fabulous day.
we took photos in the Rugby poster...as the world cup rugby was on in Bordeaux.

In fact all of Bordeaux had a wonderful international feel about it seeing as there were fans for the rugby all over the city. After going around the city with the teachers we then had free time to do what we wished.....so my self and the girls went shopping. I bought myself a pair of new jeans and my others were so still soaking and i had been wearing a pair of pants form a girl in my class...and these jeans were well lets just say rather to large for me and i looked like a clown. So after finding a cheap, well fitting pair of jeans that even came with a belt.....the girls and i kept on shopping looking around and buying post cards etc.
the next few days were spent with me either singing or accompanying the Latin kids on trips.
My favourite was when the Latin kids went and bought crepes (we had to have the whole french experience), and when we went to an ice cream shop and found the biggest ice creams known to man.....they tasted soooooo good....and we all had allot of fun eating them all.

the week slowly drew to an end. With a music night around the camp fire, and so much good food (i got a bit of a reputation for enjoying my food....as i did have 4 bowls of the best spaghetti know to man one night.)
One day I was not so well and so myself and another girl in my class opted to stay back at the house and rest rather than go on a 15km bike ride. We had such a lovely day sleeping 4 hours of it in hammocks in the sun.
My trip to France with my class was so much fun. We finished the whole thing off with an afternoon in the city of Bordeaux before we had to catch our plane back to Switzerland.
I really had fun with my class and enjoyed every moment of our super special week.
This trip was so much fun. We took the train down to Geneva (or Genf as it is in German) and then caught an easy jet Flight to Bordeaux. Seeing as we were on a budget we were not staying in the city it's self but in fact in a beach style shacky thing a hours drive out of the city.
So from Bordeaux we caught the train down to our weeks accommodation, a school trips Paradise.....a wonderful massive wooden house equipped with musical instruments,
50 bicycles
a soccer table thing (cant think of the name ...but with the little men on Poles and you move them and kick the ball), and also a Pool Table
clean rooms.....mine was so crazy it had pebbles all over the floor
For me the thing that made this house so wonderful.....was the food....the two men who owed this paradise cooked the best meals ever...if only all school camp style things tasted so good.
So what did we do to amuse our selves over this week? well seeing as our trip was in school time we had to still do a bit of school related activities.....so the music kids did allot of singing with the choir teacher who had accompanied us...and the Latin kids did a bit of translating.....but mainly just had a holiday as there is not much for kids who are learning Latin to do in France. So seeing as the program for the Latin kids was the most fun i decided i may just have to spent time with them for the week. so Witt the Latin teacher and the French teacher the 5 Latin kids and i had allot of fun.
So when the music kids were singing on the first day the Latin group were organising their trip to Bordeaux. (only the Latin and I kids were allowed to go on the trip). After arranging our trip we then went about having a bit of fun with bikes and wagons, that the house provided.
my favourite was the moped....and the tandem bicycles.
That afternoon the whole class had bike trip to the beach. The weather was not all that pleasant so we decided not to take our bathers. we all rode to the beach (it took one and a half hours) once we arrived the weather was good again and we were all warm.
some kids were wearing their bathers so they went swimming...all the rest of us were regretting leaving ours behind. I entertained myself by playing on the rocks...but it was not the same as swimming.
So like a true Australian....after being splashed by a few waves...i decided the lack of bathers was not going to hold me back, so when called by one of the girls in my class to come into the sea with her...i did ...clothes and all.
now this was the most fun i have had in ages...but also a very silly decision because I found myself wet and sandy facing an hours bike ride back to the house. however the problem was eventually solved by my wearing of a boy in my classes board shorts and a jumper.
the next day the Latin group and I were off to Bordeaux.
This was so much fun. We saw all the sites and just had a fabulous day.
we took photos in the Rugby poster...as the world cup rugby was on in Bordeaux.
In fact all of Bordeaux had a wonderful international feel about it seeing as there were fans for the rugby all over the city. After going around the city with the teachers we then had free time to do what we wished.....so my self and the girls went shopping. I bought myself a pair of new jeans and my others were so still soaking and i had been wearing a pair of pants form a girl in my class...and these jeans were well lets just say rather to large for me and i looked like a clown. So after finding a cheap, well fitting pair of jeans that even came with a belt.....the girls and i kept on shopping looking around and buying post cards etc.
the next few days were spent with me either singing or accompanying the Latin kids on trips.
My favourite was when the Latin kids went and bought crepes (we had to have the whole french experience), and when we went to an ice cream shop and found the biggest ice creams known to man.....they tasted soooooo good....and we all had allot of fun eating them all.

the week slowly drew to an end. With a music night around the camp fire, and so much good food (i got a bit of a reputation for enjoying my food....as i did have 4 bowls of the best spaghetti know to man one night.)
One day I was not so well and so myself and another girl in my class opted to stay back at the house and rest rather than go on a 15km bike ride. We had such a lovely day sleeping 4 hours of it in hammocks in the sun.
My trip to France with my class was so much fun. We finished the whole thing off with an afternoon in the city of Bordeaux before we had to catch our plane back to Switzerland.
I really had fun with my class and enjoyed every moment of our super special week.
Hello Angela,
What a wonderful trip you have had!!!! I can just imagine you running into the water. What's a wet pair of jeans when you can have so much fun??? The 'camp' looks like a students' dream!
Love Mum xxxx
Not long now.
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