Wedding number 2 (official horse wedding)
After my huge big travelling start to my holidays I arrived back home in Switzerland.
I was here for one day when I was told that the next day we were off to another wedding.
This wedding turned out to be the horse wedding I thought the other one was going to be.
The wedding was for friends of my host family, who are both in the horse riding club that my Host family are apart of, and of which my host dad is the president.
I awoke got dressed and was told we are going down to the horses. Not know what this meant I smiled and followed, deciding I would soon find out what was going on. And I was right ,when we arrived at the stables it was totally clear that there was going to be a lot of horses involved in the wedding.
The horses we all dressed up with special white ear protectors, a while saddle blanket and polished hoofs. The riders were all in matching tweed style uniform, the effect was amazing.

Once everyone arrived 30 riders on horse back trotted off to the wedding. Myself and Ursula took the car while Robbi, Elaine and Matthias were among 30 the riders.
Watching the procession of horses was amazing…it looked fantastic. Once at the church the horses formed a horse shoe shape and waited for the official church ceremony to end.

Also waiting out side the church were fireman with their hoses.( I assume the groom is a fire fighter) this looked just great.

The bride and groom left the Church and were lead to a horse drawn carriage. 15 riders and their horses then led the procession and the carriage then followed, with another 15 horses directly behind.

This amazing procession then rode the whole way along the road, through fields……all the way to the post Wedding Lunch.

Once the procession arrived at the post wedding lunch there was a big; horse, bide, groom and rider photo.....this looked fabulous. Just breath taking. I have never in my life seen so many horses involved in one event.

The Lunch was nothing but amazing, and extremely Swiss. We all ate in the cover of a barn with white balloons tied to the roof.

Suddenly a fake cow was being milked by the bride and groom.

I still do not know what the obsession with milking animals at a wedding is, but all I do know is that form the 2 weddings I have been to here so far a real goat and a fake cow have been milked.
After the milking I made friends with some small children and we went to looked at the animals in the stall below. We saw plenty of cows,goats and a really sweet little kitten.

As we were about to go back up to the lunch we saw something that I would have never in my life thought was possible.
The groom was sitting upon a cow which was covered in flowers. The bride then led the groom on the cow up the hill to the rest of the guest who were gathered at the lunch area.

This was the strangest thing I think I have ever seen.
However events just became even more out of this world when suddenly a helicopter arrived and the bride and groom flew off to their wedding dinner with special guests.

This wedding was nothing but totally spectacular, and totally amazing. I have never; been to, heard of ,or seen anything like it in my life… was just unbelievably remarkable.
I was here for one day when I was told that the next day we were off to another wedding.
This wedding turned out to be the horse wedding I thought the other one was going to be.
The wedding was for friends of my host family, who are both in the horse riding club that my Host family are apart of, and of which my host dad is the president.
I awoke got dressed and was told we are going down to the horses. Not know what this meant I smiled and followed, deciding I would soon find out what was going on. And I was right ,when we arrived at the stables it was totally clear that there was going to be a lot of horses involved in the wedding.
The horses we all dressed up with special white ear protectors, a while saddle blanket and polished hoofs. The riders were all in matching tweed style uniform, the effect was amazing.

Once everyone arrived 30 riders on horse back trotted off to the wedding. Myself and Ursula took the car while Robbi, Elaine and Matthias were among 30 the riders.
Watching the procession of horses was amazing…it looked fantastic. Once at the church the horses formed a horse shoe shape and waited for the official church ceremony to end.

Also waiting out side the church were fireman with their hoses.( I assume the groom is a fire fighter) this looked just great.

The bride and groom left the Church and were lead to a horse drawn carriage. 15 riders and their horses then led the procession and the carriage then followed, with another 15 horses directly behind.

This amazing procession then rode the whole way along the road, through fields……all the way to the post Wedding Lunch.

Once the procession arrived at the post wedding lunch there was a big; horse, bide, groom and rider photo.....this looked fabulous. Just breath taking. I have never in my life seen so many horses involved in one event.

The Lunch was nothing but amazing, and extremely Swiss. We all ate in the cover of a barn with white balloons tied to the roof.

Suddenly a fake cow was being milked by the bride and groom.

I still do not know what the obsession with milking animals at a wedding is, but all I do know is that form the 2 weddings I have been to here so far a real goat and a fake cow have been milked.
After the milking I made friends with some small children and we went to looked at the animals in the stall below. We saw plenty of cows,goats and a really sweet little kitten.

As we were about to go back up to the lunch we saw something that I would have never in my life thought was possible.
The groom was sitting upon a cow which was covered in flowers. The bride then led the groom on the cow up the hill to the rest of the guest who were gathered at the lunch area.

This was the strangest thing I think I have ever seen.
However events just became even more out of this world when suddenly a helicopter arrived and the bride and groom flew off to their wedding dinner with special guests.

This wedding was nothing but totally spectacular, and totally amazing. I have never; been to, heard of ,or seen anything like it in my life… was just unbelievably remarkable.
I am totally amazed at the two weddings you have been to, Angela! What an experience. I went to two weddings in Japan, and I can tell you they were not even remotely as extraordinary as these two. How wonderful of your host family to take you to them.
Love Mum xxxx
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